
Protecting Kids Who Play Field Hockey

Field hockey is a fast-moving sport with many players moving in all directions. Injuries are often unavoidable and seldom serious. However, for worried parents, they can help protect their kids who play field hockey to ensure they continue to play the sport they love without serious or long-term damage. Don’t Forget the Warmup While most […]


The Risk of Head Injuries in MMA

Mixed martial arts is an exciting sport as you watch competitors battle each other brutally for victory. Most of the time, injuries are not as bad as they appear with more blood and sweat than actual damage. Concussions in MMA are common, and most people seldom think twice about them. Fighters take a hit, get […]

Lacrosse Helmets: Why aren’t girls required to wear them?

Concussions in sports is a rising topic across the globe, and lacrosse concussions are just as dangerous as the rest. In boys lacrosse at the high school level across the country, lacrosse helmets are required and rightfully so, but there’s a discrepancy that needs to be addressed; why aren’t girls required to wear lacrosse helmets? […]

lacrosse concussions & lacrosse helmets

Lacrosse Head Injuries in Focus: Emphasis on Headgear

The Denver Post recently came out with a great article regarding the increasing awareness of lacrosse concussions and the steps the sport is taking to protect their athletes with lacrosse headgear.  There has been a major movement lately to require high school girls to protect themselves from lacrosse concussions with the use of helmets being […]

Soccer Concussions - Risk in Youth Sports

Young Players Are At Serious Risk of Suffering Soccer Concussions

It’s been known for years that multiple concussions, or repeated head trauma, can have long-lasting, severe consequences. Learning about former pro soccer players suffering from advanced dementia and other medical issues brought the problem into the public view. The soccer concussions suffered by high school or college players have not been totally ignored, by any means, […]

KFL Combine & Preventing Head Injuries

Protecting the youth of today should be paramount throughout youth sports of all levels of physicality, with head injuries prevalent in many of them. Gamebreaker and our team of Jimmy Clausen and Derek Hagan were recently featured in an article about the KFL Combine that recently took place! There’s no sure way to prevent an […]

Water Polo Helmets - Concussion Research - Gamebreaker

Gamebreaker’s Water Polo Helmets & Concussion Research

Water polo concussions are no joke, and there is a lot of research being done to figure out ways to combat it.  Gamebreaker’s Water Polo Helmets are one option, but here’s a recent article highlighting this issue. As a result of ongoing probes into the short- and long-term effects of concussions in football, other sports […]

Soccer Helmets - Gamebreaker Headgear

High School Soccer Head Injuries Risks – Protect with Gamebreaker Soccer Helmets

Recently the Los Angeles Times came out with a great article regarding soccer concussions, one that highlights the need for wearing Gamebreaker soccer helmets that help protect athletes while not affecting heading or other aspects of the game! Most of the concussions sustained by high school soccer players aren’t the result of heading the ball, […]

Gamebreaker's 7on7 Helmets - Football Headgear

Texas Football Shifting towards Safety with 7on7 Helmets featuring Gamebreaker

Gamebreaker’s 7on7 Helmets were recently featured on Vype in an article detailing the shift in Texas towards safety!  Check it out! The state that berthed 7on7 football is set to revolutionize the game by taking a dramatic step towards making it safer. Texas-based PrimeTime Sports signed an exclusive partnership with Gamebreaker Helmets and will mandate […]

Top Three Rugby Injuries, Treatment & Prevention - Gamebreaker

Top Three Rugby Injuries, Treatment & Prevention

In this blog, we’ll delve into three of the most common rugby injuries and discuss not only how they occur but also the measures you can take to prevent them, and how to address them when they inevitably arise.