Discover the science behind concussion headbands and how they can keep you safer while playing the game you love.
GameBreaker-AURA Soccer Headband is Rated #1 in the World
GameBreaker-AURA Soccer Headband is Rated #1 in the World By GameBreakerOriginally Posted on July 26, 2019 In the high-speed world of soccer, headgear might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you picture the sport. However, given the concussion rates, it’s a topic that’s been gaining traction. Virginia Tech researchers have been […]
Concussions in Girls Sports: UW-Madison study, the largest in the U.S.
Concussions in Girls Sports: UW-Madison study on soft shell headgear largest in the U.S. UW-Madison has recently conducted the largest study of it’s kind on soft shell protective headbands. The study followed nearly 3,000 female soccer players, mostly in Wisconsin area high schools. Researchers initially found it difficult to convince coaches to take part. In […]
Could soccer headgear reduce concussion risk?
Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. And participation is rising in the United States, where it’s widely considered a safer alternative to other contact sports like football, which is facing heightened scrutiny as media coverage of brain injuries among NFL players has trained a spotlight on the sport’s risks. But soccer players […]
Heading Soccer Ball Linked To Concussion Symptoms
There have been more studies around soccer and the potential effects heading the ball may have on a player. Read the full story at CNN.
Gamebreaker & Youth Soccer Safety take a Big Step Forward!
Soccer has long been one of the most popular sports in the world, and just like in other sports, contact and non-contact, head injuries in youth sports are on the rise. Last night, Gamebreaker partnered with PrimeTime Sports to put on a friendly youth soccer safety match with the nationally ranked Solar Chelsea Soccer Club […]
Young Players Are At Serious Risk of Suffering Soccer Concussions
It’s been known for years that multiple concussions, or repeated head trauma, can have long-lasting, severe consequences. Learning about former pro soccer players suffering from advanced dementia and other medical issues brought the problem into the public view. The soccer concussions suffered by high school or college players have not been totally ignored, by any means, […]
High School Soccer Head Injuries Risks – Protect with Gamebreaker Soccer Helmets
Recently the Los Angeles Times came out with a great article regarding soccer concussions, one that highlights the need for wearing Gamebreaker soccer helmets that help protect athletes while not affecting heading or other aspects of the game! Most of the concussions sustained by high school soccer players aren’t the result of heading the ball, […]
Why Wear Protective Headgear in Non-Contact Sports & Situations?
Why wear protective headgear in Non-Contact Sports & Situations? The Essential Role of Protective Headgear in Modern Sports Safety By GameBreakerOriginally Posted on June 17, 2015; Updated Oct. 18 2023 In the dynamic world of sports, the exhilaration of competition can be accompanied by potential injury. The importance of protective headgear is a critical aspect […]
Head Injuries in Sports Impacting High School Athletic Programs
Concussions in sports are a growing issue as well as finding adequate ways to protect our children on the field. Whether a concussion results in severe damage or prevents an individual from playing the game they love, finding a safe solution is a necessity for athletic departments and organize sport organizations. The NFHS (National Federation […]